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An Edition of Miles Hogarde's "A Mirroure of Myserie"
Year: 2021 Publisher: Brooklyn, NY punctum books

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"This is the first edition of A Mirroure of Myserie (1557), a poem by the Catholic propagandist Miles Hogarde and probably presented to Queen Mary. Cast as a dream vision, this combative dialogue draws on William Langland’s widely circulating medieval poem The Vision of Piers Plowman and offers a critical assessment of sixteenth-century morality in England.The Mirroure of Myserie has been edited from Huntington Library MS 121 and is accompanied by a short introduction. This accessible edition preserves Hogarde’s original spelling but adds modern punctuation and glosses of all unfamiliar words and concepts."

… in den vnbeweglichen vnd vnuerruckten Fußstapffen : Frühneuzeitliche Karfreitagsprozessionen als Projekt der Gegenreformation und katholischen Erneuerung
Year: 2020 Publisher: Ljubljana ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRC

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How can we explain the large number of Good Friday processions that characterised Catholic Europe from the 16th to the 18th century? Jaša Drnovšek presents these early modern performances as eminently political phenomena that could only exist against the background of the Counter-Reformation and Catholic renewal. In doing so, he takes up Joachim Küpper's theory of cultural production, according to which culture can be seen as a virtual network. In his comparative cultural-historical study, Drnovšek takes an in-depth look at the history of the Capuchin and Jesuit orders, both of which contributed significantly to the rise of Good Friday processions. The Škofjeloški pasijon, the oldest Slovenian drama, whose revived performance tradition has been under UNESCO protection since 2016, plays here a special role. Kako pojasniti veliko število procesij velikega petka, ki so med 16. in 18. stoletjem zaznamovale katoliško Evropo? Jaša Drnovšek prikaže te zgodnjenovoveške sprevode kot eminentno politične fenomene, ki so lahko obstajali le v kontekstu protireformacije in katoliške prenove. Pri tem se naveže na teorijo kulturne produkcije Joachima Küpperja, po kateri lahko kulturo razumemo kot virtualno omrežje. V svoji primerjalni kulturnozgodovinski raziskavi Drnovšek podrobno osvetli zgodovino kapucinskega in jezuitskega reda, ki sta pomembno prispevala k razmahu pasijonskih procesij. Posebno vlogo pri tem ima Škofjeloški pasijon, katerega ponovno oživljena tradicija uprizarjanja je od leta 2016 pod Unescovo zaščito.

Reformation und recht : ein beitrag zur kontroverse um die kulturwirkungen der reformation
ISBN: 3161554647 9783161548031 3161548035 9783161554643 Year: 2017 Publisher: Mohr Siebeck

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The law's cultural and especially its religious contexts present a fresh challenge to a globalised world. Did the Reformation's demand for the abolition of canonical law have particular consequences for legal development? Various answers are given to this question. It has been the objective of recent confessionalization research to highlight the uniformity of confessions and their cultural effects. There is great concern that, as happened a hundred years ago, Protestantism is once again being awarded a special proximity to modernity. The authors of this volume discuss the consequences the Reformation had for the development of various branches of the law. In the sense of a comparative analysis, Catholic law is also investigated for the connection between law and morality.

Giambattista Marinos Wort-Zucht-Peitschen und die Gegenreformation in Wien um 1655 : Textedition und Kommentar
Authors: ---
Year: 2015 Publisher: Böhlau

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Critical edition of the german translation of G. B. Marino’s La sferza invettiva, commentary and context of the Counterreformation in Vienna 1655.

Protestant Identities : religion, society, and self-fashioning in post-reformation England
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0804736111 9780804736114 Year: 1999 Publisher: Stanford (Calif.): Stanford university press

Reformation und die Ethik der Wirtschaft
ISBN: 3161562577 3161556119 Year: 2018 Publisher: Mohr Siebeck

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The grand thesis that the spirit of Protestantism is one of modern capitalism's great driving forces originated from Max Weber. According to him, religious foundations of inner world asceticism, Luther's concept of vocation, Calvinism, and English Puritanism had a direct influence on the development of modern kinds of economy. The thesis was not undisputed and to this day remains a prominent starting point for discussions. What can be said now in the twenty-first century about the spirit of capitalism? Do ethics still hold any sway over global financial markets and systems of production? This volume's four authors seek answers to these and other related questions from different perspectives.

Nur eine »Geld-Emancipation«? : Loyalitäten und Lebenswelten des Prager jüdischen Großbürgertums 1800-1867
Authors: --- --- --- ---
ISBN: 3666310206 3647310204 1283949296 352531020X Year: 2012 Publisher: Göttingen : Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht,

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"Im Mittelpunkt des Buches steht die Frage nach den Loyalitäten und Lebenswelten des Prager jüdischen Großbürgertums zwischen 1800 und 1867. Aufgrund seines enormen wirtschaftlichen Erfolges nahm es innerhalb der jüdischen Bevölkerung Böhmens eine Sonderstellung ein. Anhand von fünf Prager Familien zeigt Martina Niedhammer jedoch, dass sich die gesellschaftlichen Bestrebungen des jüdischen Großbürgertums nicht in sozialem Aufstieg um jeden Preis erschöpften. Dies belegen die vielfältigen Anbindungen der jüdischen Oberschicht an nationalpolitisch, ethnisch und religiös unterschiedlich konnotierte Orte im Prager Stadtraum. Entlang dieser Orte werden ihr ökonomischer Aufstieg, religiöses Leben, soziales und politisches Engagement sowie familiäres Selbstverständnis in den Blick genommen."

Witchcraft, Demonology and Magic
ISBN: 3039289608 3039289594 Year: 2020 Publisher: MDPI - Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute

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Witchcraft and magic are topics of enduring interest for many reasons. The main one lies in their extraordinary interdisciplinarity: anthropologists, folklorists, historians, and more have contributed to build a body of work of extreme variety and consistence. Of course, this also means that the subjects themselves are not easy to assess. In a very general way, we can define witchcraft as a supernatural means to cause harm, death, or misfortune, while magic also belongs to the field of supernatural, or at least esoteric knowledge, but can be used to less dangerous effects (e.g., divination and astrology). In Western civilization, however, the witch hunt has set a very peculiar perspective in which diabolical witchcraft, the invention of the Sabbat, the persecution of many thousands of (mostly) female and (sometimes) male presumed witches gave way to a phenomenon that is fundamentally different from traditional witchcraft. This Special Issue of Religions dedicated to Witchcraft, Demonology, and Magic features nine articles that deal with four different regions of Europe (England, Germany, Hungary, and Italy) between Late Medieval and Modern times in different contexts and social milieus. Far from pretending to offer a complete picture, they focus on some topics that are central to the research in those fields and fit well in the current “cumulative concept of Western witchcraft” that rules out all mono-causality theories, investigating a plurality of causes.

La guerre de Dix Ans : 1634-1644
Authors: ---
ISBN: 2251606513 2848676949 9782251606514 Year: 2019 Volume: 60 651 Publisher: Besançon : Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté,

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La guerre de Dix Ans est l’épisode franc-comtois de la guerre de Trente Ans (1618-1648). En lutte contre l’Espagne, le royaume de France envahit la Franche-Comté (ou comté de Bourgogne) en 1636 et tente, sinon de la conquérir, au moins d’empêcher qu’elle serve de place d’armes aux Habsbourg. La guerre de Dix Ans est donc une succession de campagnes et d’opérations militaires à l’image du célèbre siège de Dole, mais aussi une décennie de misères, de souffrances, de destructions. Cet ouvrage est le résumé d’une thèse de doctorat soutenue en 1995 à l’université de Franche-Comté, fruit de dix années de recherches effectuées tant dans les dépôts d’archives de la région que sur le terrain. L’auteur replace la guerre de Dix Ans dans son contexte européen, fait le point des connaissances sur le sujet et traite des questions sociales et économiques. Il apporte en somme un éclairage nouveau sur cette tragique période de l’histoire comtoise et remet en cause bon nombre d’idées reçues.

Les affrontements religieux en Europe : du début du XVIe au milieu du XVIIe siècle
Authors: --- ---
ISSN: 12845655 ISBN: 9782757400661 2757400665 275742128X Year: 2008 Volume: 1115 Publisher: Villeneuve d'Ascq: Presses universitaires du Septentrion,

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Qu'y a-t-il de religieux dans les guerres de religion des XVIe-XVIIe siècles ? Guerres entre chrétiens et non croisades, guerres civiles dans lesquelles la frontière entre amis et ennemis ou entre soldats et simples sujets s'efface, conjonction dramatique d'émeutes urbaines, de révoltes paysannes, de soulèvements contre les nouvelles formes d'exercice du pouvoir et de massacres inouïs plus souvent qu'opérations militaires d'armées en bon ordre, elles brouillent les pistes, déjouent les interprétations trop simples, soulèvent d'innombrables questions. Pour en comprendre l'originalité profonde et le rôle décisif dans la naissance de l'Europe moderne, il faut donc croiser plusieurs analyses : une histoire comparée des guerres dans les différents territoires pour en saisir les spécificités nationales ou confessionnelles ; une étude des différents acteurs et des justifications qu'ils donnent à leur engagement dans la guerre ou dans la paix ; une description minutieuse, enfin, des formes particulières de la violence qui s'observe alors. C'est ce défi que ce livre entend relever en faisant le choix d'une perspective européenne et d'une documentation inédite, car au même titre que l'humanisme et la Renaissance, mais sur un tout autre registre, plus inquiétant, les affrontements religieux des XVIe-XVIIe siècles constituent peut-être le creuset dont est sortie l'Europe moderne.

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